1. Consultation and counselling
- Assessment of general health/ risk factors for any diseases
- Vital signs/ Waist circumference/ BMI and physical examination + breast + pelvic examination
- Visual acuity/ colour vision 4. Lifestyle counselling
- Review of medical report
- Vaccination assessment and counselling
2. Investigations
Executive profile (DRXC)
Full blood count (FBC)
Blood group
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Full blood picture
Renal function tests
Uric acid
Fasting blood glucose
Liver function tests
Lipid profile
Thyroid stimulating hormone VDRL/TPHA(Syphilis)
Hepatitis B screening
HIV screening
Rheumatoid factor
3. Pap smear (Liquid cytology)
4. Resting ECG
5. Chest X-Ray
6. USG Breast (Includes specialist reporting)
7. USG Abdomen and Pelvis (Includes specialist reporting)
*Optional add-on:
- HPV Primary screening (HPVLBC) (additional: RM 160.00)
- Tumour markers profile A (TM12) (additional: RM358.00)
Includes: AFP/Beta-HCG/Ca 125/Ca 15-3/Ca 19-9/ CEA
Female Health Screening [Extensive Package]